I have released my Photoshop Actions "ACTIONS ROCC Vol. 1 " for $90 USD. Over 50 time saving Photoshop Actions, that have been specifically designed to efficiently optimize the look of your images as well as streamline your digital workflow.
“These actions are used daily in my studio to give the images I produce, a consistant quality and look my clients expect of me.”
Hi Team Rocco.
Just wondering if you have any before and after images with the new actions.
Love the new images in gallery one.
You keep setting the standard of quality. Just amazing.
Is there an option to buy the actions in AUS dollars and not US dollars considering how great the dollar is at the moment.
Thanks Mark
Hi Mark,
I have just changed the price to $90 US. When you go to PayPal it converts it to AU for you.
I will be in touch soon - coming up with something special for you.
Keep up the good work.... this time you have to win.
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